611 Anton Blvd
Costa Mesa
CA 92626
PAC enables us to raise money to elect / re-elect candidates who know, understand and support commercial real estate issues.
Save the date for BOMA Orange County PAC’s annual wine reception, which brings you appetizers, live music, and a chance to meet local legislators.
Legislators or representation who have attended our fundraisers include:
♦ Congresswoman Mimi Walters
♦ Congressman Darrell Issa
♦ Congressman Ed Royce
♦ State Senator John Moorlach
♦ State Senator Bob Huff
♦ State Senator Janet Nguyen
♦ Assemblyman Don Wagner
Member, Principal & Allied $50
Member, Principal Young Leader $35
Non-Member $75
Join us for a wine reception benefiting BOMA Orange County PAC!
For SPONSORSHIP opportunities, please contact Ruben Rivas for more information at rrivas@irvinecompany.com